Tuesday 11 March 2014

My first Twitter account!!

Just created my first Twitter account during lab. I heard about Twitter but never thought of creating an account of my own. Maybe its because I do not have much use of Twitter in my life or not too much into online socialising network sites. Anyway here is my Twitter address and I would love to explore further into Twitter to experience how Twitter works.

My Twitter address:https://twitter.com/mcjz9107

Twitter is quite easy to sign up and there are a lot of  people/group/topic/interest/habits to follow. I have found out Twitter is actually live time, tweets are sorted by the latest. You are able to reply to the tweets and re-tweet the tweets for sharing or embed it into your tweets for your opinion and thoughts that you want to share with friends or your followers. Tweeter are able to give you the latest news and updates of the things that you interest in and you are able to tweet about news or updates that you are able to witness or happened first hand for others to know.
Twitter is a good information sharing place for people who has special interest, as tweets are public there is some security issues.

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