UTest is offering test services, tools, SDKs and integrated analytics in through crowd sourcing in the tester community. App developers is looking for people to test their apps, and UTest offers people with the expertise and competence in the right fields to test out the app in order to meet the needs of the app developers. A tester community that provides paid testing projects, hands on training, network, events career resources and more. It provides test on mobile apps, Web apps, Desktop apps, Emerging apps with test on its functionality, usability, locationlisting load and security in different industry areas for company size from start up to small and medium business to enterprises. UTest charge people through pricing based on app developers needs through 4 steps to determine the price by selecting the number of apps to test/type of app / testing need. From UTest, app developers are able to find a larger group of people to test their apps which helps developers finding out bugs and errors on their app through continue testing and running of the app through normal operations.
Ponoko is a 2D/3D design, manufacturing and direct sale community where users are those who want to make object that is customized and created by themselves through applications that is support by Ponoko. Users are able to select from a materials, fabric, leather, metal, paper, plastic, rubber, wood, 3D printed in order to make the product they created. Users are able to pay for a subscription $39s to become a Prime user that gets discount prices on making procedures and materials also hubs where the product will be made. furthermore Ponoko also provides free services for users by charging a standard pricing. Ponoko changes the way people purchase products, by giving them open source abilities to create and customize their own product and have it made and sell through Ponoko's web plateform.
Flickr change the traditional way of photograph where it need to be printed and put into a album instead it allow quick access to photos and allows storage of photos with a simple smart phone device that allows access anytime, anywhere.
Chaoradix is a community that crowd source innovation ideas in a large scale approach that with the insight of the community, chaoradix are able to offer brand innovations, product innovation and a B2B community, that helps SMB, enterprises and groups of individuals from crowd participations.
Chaoradix has a new way of people finding information that will be relevant for their business, company and enterprise in a way, where everyone is participating in finding a innovative solution to the problem. The platform chaoradix offers allow participation freely in a open source environment to create values for others.
Smartling has come up with a problem that in a globalized world every different people with diversity interact with others in business activities often have language boundary difficulties. Smartling has found a solution to use the power crowd sourcing to help translate business contents in websites, mobile apps, business documents and anything in the enterprise. With the help of a large scale of people from diversified backgrounds, their participation helps translating easy without any restrictions. Everyone that knows two different language can participate and with a lot of people who have the same competence, it gets the translation done quickly.
Amazon mechnical turk
Amazon mechanical turk is a platform that offers crowd labouring on task focused on Human Intelligence Tasks an individual task you work on and you can make money from successfully completing the task and people who submit the task will get a result from people working on the tasks. What Amazon did is by creating a community a platform that offers workforce to help people completing their tasks through a open environment and a large scale workforce. This have changed the ways we utilizing workforce, with little investment we are able to have a large work force waiting to process tasks that can generate a possible result without paying too much or having too much effort. The tasks attracts possible candidates with the competence and possible innovative ideas instead of assigning candidates to the task. This get the tasks done from different approaches by different people with their way of doing